Regardless of systems used, every character in Seed will have five attributes as well as HP and MP.
At creation, attributes are decided by allocating 10 attribute points between the five attributes: Attack, Vitality, Speed, Magic, and Spirit. Each attribute starts at 4 before any points are distributed, and can not be raised above 8 with these points.
ATK: Attack determines the amount of damage inflicted with weapons and physical abilities.
VIT: Vitality determines the amount of HP the character has.
SPD: Speed reduces the delay taken from actions.
MAG: Magic determines the amount of damage inflicted with spells and magic.
SPR: Spirit determines the character's reserve of MP for spells and other abilities.
The values determined at this step are known as the "base attributes", and will remain unmodified during the game. However, jobs, support abilities and gear can provide bonuses to the attributes.
Hit Points are calculated as 200 + ( ( ( Vit x 3 ) + 4 ) x Level ).
Magic Points are calculated as 200 + ( ( ( Spr x 3 ) + 4 ) x Level ).
If a character's VIT or SPR changes during play, their maximum HP and MP will also change. If your current value is above the new maximum when this occurs, reduce your current HP to the maximum.
Bonuses to HP and MP can also come from sources like jobs, armor, and accessories. These directly affect your maximum.
When play begins your character will have current HP and MP equal to their maximum.
If the crystal system is in use, the character should also select a Crystal to start in. They will be capable of changing out later, and will receive its equipment list and HP, MP and attribute bonuses. They start with two abilities learned - each from a separate crystal - 10 Active Ability Slots and 10 Passive Ability slots which will be filled with abilities the character learns as they adventure.
If the character is above level 1, assign [ (Level) x 3/4 - 1] additional ability to the character.
If the job system is in use, the character should also select a Job to start in. They will be capable of changing out later, but they will receive its equipment list and HP, MP and attribute bonuses. Additionally, the character receives 200 AP to spend on abilities for that job - and at least one active ability must be purchased.
If the character is above level 1, grant them an additional [ (Level x 3/4) - 1 ] x 50 AP, spread between any number of jobs.
If the class system is in use, every character selects a Class, which defines their fighting style throughout the campaign. They receive its equipment list, HP, MP and attribute bonuses. The character also receives 200 AP to purchase abilities.
If the character is above level 1, grant them an additional [ (Level x 3/4) - 1 ] x 50 AP.
Select a type of weapon and a type of armor. The character starts with a weapon and suit of armor of that type, of their tier. (The cheapest available.)
As outlined in party creation, the party will also select one spare piece of weaponry and suit of armor, as well as two shields. These should only be assigned after the party is finalized.
A level 1 character will have three fixed talents and one free talent slot, which they may assign as they wish. Characters of higher level will have more talents and free slots.
The character designs one weapon type and one armor type, which they will be distinct to them throughout the game. They have one tier appropriate weapon and suit of armor of their respective types, which may have empty SFX slots depending on the starting tier.