Marauder Job




+5 ATK +5 VIT 0 SPD 0 MAG 0 SPR +100 HP 0 MP


Hammer&Axe, Greatsword, Pole, Heavy Armor


Strength: Heavy, Critical 2, Piercing
Blocking: No
Defense: Heavy
Style: Physical
Bonus: Pick one set

Set 1 Resist Debrave 4, Resist Deprotect 4
Set 2 Resist Berserk 4, Resist Stop 4


Broad Swing

AP: 100
Type: Action
Technique, Weapon
Target: Group (Front Row)
[W]D F[W]

Deals weapon damage with a x0.66 Power multiplier to each target in the front row.
CoS: 70

Brutal Swing

AP: 100
Type: Action
Technique, Weapon
Target: Group (Front Row)
[W]+10D F[W] MP: 60

Dealing normal weapon damage to each target in the front row.
CoS: 80
Adjustment: +20 MP per tier above 1.

Iron Tempest

AP: 100
Type: Action
Technique, Weapon
Target: Group (Back Row)
[W]+10D F[W] MP: 90

Deals normal weapon damage which ignores the situational modifier for hitting targets in the back row to each target in the back row. (Iron Tempest does not ignore the situational modifier for attacking from the back row.)
CoS: 80
Adjustment: +30 MP per tier above 1.

Storm's Path

AP: 100
Type: Action
Technique, Weapon
Target: Group
[W]+40D F[W]

Deals normal weapon damage to each target in the group.
CoS: 80


AP: 100
Type: Action
Technique, Weapon
Target: Single
[W]+10D F[W] MP: 60

Deals weapon damage with a x1.1 Power multiplier. Until the beginning of the target's next turn, it receives a +25% situational modifier to all incoming damage.
CoS: 75
Adjustment: +20 MP per tier above 1.


AP: 75
Type: Action
Technique, Stance
Target: Self
30D F15 MP: 30

The Marauder enters a stance which last until he uses a Weapon ability. The next time that the Marauder uses a Weapon ability, add the Drain keyword to it - 75% of the damage dealt is drained back into the Marauder. Bloodbath's drain effect only works on a single target, regardless of how many targets are actually hit by the weapon ability used.
CoS: 100
Adjustment: +10 MP per tier above 1.


AP: 100
Type: Action
Technique, Stance
Target: Single
30D F15

The Marauder enters a stance which last until the end of the battle, focused on avenging a single ally. Anytime an enemy targets the ally, the Marauder gains a +25% situational modifier per targeting action to the next attack that Marauder performs against that same enemy. Once an attack as been made by the Marauder against the offending enemy, the situational modifier resets to +0 and begins charging again. Keep track of the situational modifier gained from Avenge for each enemy separately.
CoS: 100


AP: 100
Type: Action
Technique, Stance
Target: Self
30D F15

The Marauder enters a stance which last until the end of the battle. While Berserker is in effect, he receives a +25% situational modifier to all incoming and outgoing damage. Additionally, each time the Marauder uses a weapon ability, the situational modifier increased by +25%, up to a maximum of +100%. When the Marauder is hit for damage, the situational modifiers resets back down to +25% instantly and begins recharging again. (Berserker, Defender, and Rampage are all mutually exclusive; the Marauder can only have one Stance active at any point in time. Any application of either of the three stances will automatically end any previous stance that the Marauder was already under.)
CoS: 100


AP: 100
Type: Action
Technique, Stance
Target: Self
30D F15

The Marauder enters a stance which last until the end of the battle. While Defender is in effect, the Marauder receives a -25% situational modifier to all incoming and outgoing damage. (Berserker, Defender, and Rampage are all mutually exclusive; the Marauder can only have one Stance active at any point in time. Any application of either of the three stances will automatically end any previous stance that the Marauder was already under.)
CoS: 100


AP: 100
Type: Action
Technique, Stance
Target: Self
30D F15

The Marauder enters a stance which last until the end of the battle. While Rampage is in effect, he receives 2 ranks of Critical. In addition, any time the Marauder scores a critical hit, the Marauder's HP is restored by (VIT x 2) for each critical (Berserker, Defender, and Rampage are all mutually exclusive; the Marauder can only have one Stance active at any point in time. Any application of either of the three stances will automatically end any previous stance that the Marauder was already under.)
CoS: 100
Adjustment: +1 Power per tier above 1.


Warmonger (Innate)

AP: 150
Type: Support

The Marauder gains +50 HP.
Adjustment: +25 HP per tier above 1.

Desperate Blows

AP: 200
Type: Support

Equipment: When wielding a Greatsword, Pole, Spear or Hammer&Axes, reduce the Delay by 20 points.
Bare: If the characters Strength type is Heavy and lacks the Ranged property, reduce the Delay by 20 points.
Remodeling: Reduce the Delay on Heavy weapons which lack the Ranged property by 20 points.



AP: 150
Type: Reaction

Target: Self
Trigger: The Marauder is targeted by an attack that deals melee damage.

The Marauder gains a Defense Factor against the triggering attack. The defense factor gains increases any defense factor the Marauder might already have; if the Marauder has none, they gain a 4/5th defense factor. Otherwise, the potency increased from 4/5 to 3/5, 3/5 to 2/5, 2/5 to 1/5th. If the Marauder already has a 1/5th defense factor when Parry activates, they instead take no damage from the attack (though it still counts has having been hit, rather than having missed).
Parry can only activate if the Marauder is not equipped with a shield for equipment or remodeling, or only if the Marauder's blocking is set to 'no' or 'sealed' for bare.
CoS: 75


Potent Brutal Swing

AP: 50
Type: Trait

Brutal Swing gains 1 rank of Critical, and apply a x1.1 power multiplier to the MP cost.

Accurate Iron Tempest

AP: 50
Type: Trait

Iron Tempest gains 1 rank of Accuracy, and apply a x1.1 power multiplier to the MP cost.

Potent Maim

AP: 50
Type: Trait

Increase the power multiplier from x1.1 to x1.2, and apply a x1.1 power multiplier to the MP cost.

Potent Bloodbath

AP: 30
Type: Trait

Increase the Drain effect gained from Bloodbath from 75% to 100%.

Swift Avenge

AP: 50
Type: Trait

Lower the Delay on Avenge by 3.

Swift Berserker

AP: 50
Type: Trait

Lower the Delay on Berserker by 3.

Swift Defender

AP: 50
Type: Trait

Lower the Delay on Defender by 3.

Swift Rampage

AP: 50
Type: Trait

Lower the Delay on Rampage by 3.

Accurate Parry

AP: 50
Type: Trait

Increase the CoS for Parry by 5.

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