Limit Breaks are powerful, signature abilities that characters sometimes possess. In order to proper convey the uniqueness of any given character's limit breaks, the characters themselves will build each limit, rather than choosing from a list of premade ones.
At level one, each character receives 10 Slots with which to build their rank 1 limit break. At level 21 they receive 15 Slots to build a separate rank 2 limit. Level 41 gives 20 slots to build a rank 3 limit, while level 61 grants 25 Slots to make a rank 4 limit, and at level 81 they receive 30 Slots to create their final and rank 5 limit.
Limits are used by first gaining LP and then expending them. Each rank as a certain amount of LP that is expended each time a Limit of that rank is performed. A character can store up to 300 LP at once.
Charging Methods
LP is gained by certain actions happening during the course of a battle. Some types have you gain LP based on the actions you perform, while others give you LP when certain things happen to you or your allies. For most charge types, LP can only be gained once - Striker doesn't charge faster when using a multi-hit or -action ability, and Comrade doesn't charge faster from group attacks. In cases where LP could be gained from multiple sources, only take the largest single possible value. The exceptions to this rule are the Slayer and Avenger limits - characters with these limits who can manage to KO multiple enemies, or have multiple allies KOed by the same attack, gain LP for each instance added together, rather than only getting the LP value once.
Also note that LP is only gained by active abilities that were just performed and not by the effects of statuses and enhancements - dealing damage with Poison or Sap does not charge the Striker limited, and like wise taking damage from these sources does not charge Stoic or Comrade limits, while hitting with Counter would not charge Striker.
LP Cannot be gained from taking an action to perform a Limit Break.
Each character has two separate charge types. One is selected at character creation and cannot be changed, while the second may be changed any time the character is not currently engaged in a battle.
Building a Limit Break
All limits are broken down into individual segments that have a delay of 50 and a floor of 20 (50D F20) and a CoS of 100, which can be modified by purchasing various modifiers with slots. Note that the final CoS for a limit break cannot be over 100. All limit breaks start with 1 Segment for 0 Slots. Additional segments can be purchased for 1 Slot apiece - and when you have more than a single segment in your limit break, it gains the Multi-Action keyword. Each segment can be freely targeted independently of one another, but are always performed in the same order, which is determined when the limit break is created. If you have separate segments in the limit break that are sealed by different statuses, you can still execute the limit break - however any segments that are sealed will not be activated.
Base Segment Effects
Each segment requires you purchased one and only one of the following options:
Magical Assault: The segment gains the Magic and Aimed keywords and deals ([4+4xTier] x MAG + 1d10) magical [elemental] damage. Pick an element for the segment. 4 Slots.
Powerful Blow: The segment gains the Technique and Aimed keywords and deals ([4+4xTier] x ATK + 1d10) physical damage. 4 Slots.
Weapon Strike: The segment gains the Technique and Weapon keywords and deals normal weapon damage. Replace the segment's 50D F20 with [W]D F[W], and lower the segment's CoS by 10. 4 Slots.
Heal: The segment gains the Magic and Recovery keywords and restores ([4+4xTier] x MAG + 1d10) HP. 4 Slots.
Aid: The segment gains the Technique and Recovery keywords and restores ([4+4xTier] x ATK + 1d10) HP. 4 Slots.
Invigorate: The segment gains the Magic and Recovery keywords and restores ([4+4xTier] x MAG + 1d10) MP. 4 Slots.
Rejuvenate: The segment gains the Technique and Recovery keywords and restores ([4+4xTier] x ATK + 1d10) MP. 4 Slots.
Revive: The segment gains the Magic and Life keywords and revives KO'd targets with 25% of their Max HP per 4 Slots spent, to a maximum of 100% for 16 Slots.
Resuscitate: The segment gains the Technique and Life keywords and revives KO'd targets with 25% of their Max HP per 4 Slots spent, to a maximum of 100% for 16 Slots.
Status: The segment gains either the Magic or Technique keyword (pick one), but doesn't have a base effect; take this when you want to conserve your Slots for Negatives Statuses, Effects or Positive Enhancements. 0 Slots.
Individual Segment Modifiers:
The modifiers below only work for one segment when purchased, but you can purchase them multiple times to apply them to similar segments. Alternatively, you can buy many options for cumulative if they're placed onto the same segment.
Row: Change the segments target from Single to Group (Row). Lower the segment's CoS by 5. 2 Slots.
Group: Change the segments target from Single to Group. Lower the segment's CoS by 10. 4 Slots.
Accurate: The segment gains +5 CoS. Cannot be taken if the "Inflicts Status" modifier is taken on the same segment, and does not effect "Added Status/Effect" CoSes. 1 Slot.
Critical: The segment gains 1 Innate rank of Critical. 1 Slot.
Stronger: The segment gains adds 0.25 to its power multiplier (which starts off at 1 before any ranks of Stronger are purchased) per 1 slot.
Killer: The segment gains the effects of the weapon property "type killer", for a single monster type chosen at the limits creation. 1 Slot.
Unavoidable: The segment ignores Evasion. 2 Slots.
Invasive: The segment ignores the CoS penalty imposed by the target's status and effect resistances. 2 Slots.
Piercing: The segment deals Piercing damage. 2 Slots.
Ranged: The segment deals ranged damage. 1 Slot.
Reaching: The segment ignores the row situational modifiers, but is still considered melee damage. 1 Slot.
Unbridled: The segment is capable of breaking the damage cap, just in case. 1 Slot.
Drains: The segment gains the Drain keyword, and the user recovers an amount of HP equal to the damage dealt. 2 Slots if the segment is single target, 3 if it targets a tow, 4 if it targets a group.
Mana Attack: The segment gains a separate x0.75 Power multiplier and deals damage to the target's MP score, rather than HP. If combined with Drain, the user regains MP rather than HP. 1 Slot.
Mending: The segment removes some negative statuses from the targets - select any five negative statuses other than KO when the limit is created, per 1 Slot spent.
Added Status: The segment gains the appropriate Status and/or Effect keywords, and has an additional CoS to inflicts the chosen status or effect. Statuses are inflicted with a (4) timer. See table below for more details.
Inflicts Status: The segment gains the appropriate Status and/or Effect keywords, and inflicts the chosen status or effect. Statuses are initially inflicted with a (6) timer. In the event that multiple 'Inflicts Status' effects are attached to a single segment, CoS penalties are cumulative and you must pay the highest slot cost possible from the chosen statues in order to increase the CoS. Timers are increased per status. See table below for more details.
Enhances: The segment gains the appropriate Enhancement keyword, and bestows the chosen enhancement. Enhancement are initially bestowed with a (6) timer, with a (5) timer if the Row modifier is attached, or (4) if the Group modifier is attached. See table below for more details.
Limit Wide Modifiers
These modifiers apply to the limit as a whole, rather than one specific segment. Faster can be purchased multiple times for a cumulative effect, while taking Inaccurate, Charged or Demanding will give the limit more Slots to be built with. Be careful that you don't accidentally make a limit that requires more than 300 LP to activate!
Faster: -3D to each segment. 1 Slot.
Quick: No part of the limit will trigger a reaction, even if it normally would. 1 Slot.
Unsealable: The limit can be fully used as normal, even when suffering from the Pain and Silence statuses. 1 Slot.
Elemental: Each segment of the limit can deal elemental damage, even if it wouldn't normally. Select an element if any; each segment can be of a different element if you wish. 1 Slot.
Ground-Bound: Each segment of the limit which deals damage gains the ground-bound keyword, and you can remove the elements from any segment that had one if you wish. 1 Slot.
Inaccurate: All segments receive a -20 CoS penalty. +1 Slot.
Charged: The limit has a CT10. +1 Slot.
Demanding: The limit cost 25 more LP than normal to activate. +1 Slot.
Status Tables
Added Status / Effect
Inflicts Status / Effect