
Weapon: An ability that uses various weapon properties, such as weapon accuracy and damage, as well as any special properties such as Fire Elemental or Added Effect: Poison. Abilities with the weapon keyword are referred to as "Weapon Abilities".

Technique: An ability based mostly on physical skill. It's sealed by "Pain".

Magic: An ability employing magical power. It's sealed by "Silence".

Aimed: A skillful strike that does not employ the equipped weapon. It benefits from Accuracy and Critical ranks and has its CoS reduced by the target's Evasion. However, it is not affected by inherent weapon properties and some other weapon traits, such as Added Statuses and elemental affinities.

Spell: Spells are affected by many abilities, statuses and properties that specifically relate to magic, such as Magic Burst, Magic Frenzy, Reflect and Runic.

Status: An ability that inflicts a status effect, which can be resisted as such. (Poison, Silence, Stop, etc.)

Effect: An ability that inflicts an effect which is not a status. Effects are resisted - and one can be immune to them - in a manner analogous to statuses. (Death, Eject, Delay, etc)

Enhancement: An ability that grants a positive status.

Elemental: An ability that inflicts elemental damage.

Recovery: An ability that restores health.

Life: An ability capable of restoring the health of an ally at 0 HP and removing the KO status. Notably reversed against Undead.

Drain: An ability that restores health based on the damage inflicted. Drain abilities can never restore more HP or MP than the target's current HP/MP when hit by the attack. If a drain ability inflicts no damage (if it strikes an elemental immunity or absorbency) the drain effect does not function. If a Drain effect strikes a Zombied target, the effect is reversed - the target gains the magnitude of damage dealt, in health, and the user of the ability loses it. (Ignore elemental absorbencies on zombied targets when using drain effects.)

Ground-Based: An ability that does not target combatants affected by Float.

Movement: An ability that requires movement, such as fleeing the battle or changing rows. Sealed by Immobilize.

Speedy: An action that takes very little time to perform - as such, do not take a status phase (steps 7 and 8 of a character's turn) after performing the action. A character may not perform a Speedy action if their last action was also a Speedy action.

Item: Some actions that involves the use of items from the inventory have this keyword - these can be hastened and modified by some abilities.

Steal: An action that involves stealing. Certain pieces of equipment enhance Steal actions.

Stance: An action that applies a unique positive effect. They are dispelled by "Berserk", but otherwise last until their effect text say they expire. They cannot stack on themselves.

Multi-Action: An action that causes you to perform several actions at once. For example, Magic Frenzy follows a spell with a weapon hit, and Dualcast allows the casting of two spells. Multi-Action abilities generally have their delay equal to the highest of the abilities involved in the action, plus some modifier. If the actions used have CTs, all CTs must be paid before either ability is performed. (So, for example, to Dualcast Bahamut, the mage first pays CT44, pausing 44 ticks before Bahamut lets loose his Mega Flares.)

Any ability that refers to "the last action" or requires certain actions to be taken to allow the bonus to continue, ignore the usage of the multi-action ability itself, only being affected by the actions contained therein. For example, Dualcast could still benefit from and continue Chainspell, but the attack action in Magic Frenzy would end the benefits - the fact that "Dualcast" and "Magic Frenzy" are not properly themselves targeted spells does not end the effect.

Each action in a Multi-Action ability counts as a distinct, individual action. For example, only the first spell of a Dualcasted pair would gain a benefit from Blindside, and two Meikyo Shisui sword strikes could trigger two separate reactions from the same foe. Likewise, Mult-Action moves that allow the character to perform two different abilities continue to retain all of their Keywords for the individual abilities.

Multi-Hit: An action that applies its effects several times - typically a technique that hits more than once. Resolve each hit separately. Both hits in a Multi-Hit reaction resolve before the condition of the battle changes - if one hit inflicts Deprotect, the second doesn't benefit from the damage bonus, if the target was at full health beforehand, all hits in the action benefit from Powerchain.

Some Multi-Hit actions are Consolation effects - the second hit only occurs if the first hit misses, with the attempt at a second hit serving as a consolation for the miss.

Break Chance: Some samurai and red mage have abilities that employ Ceremonial Katanas, and have a chance of breaking them when used. Typically, there's a CoS of 25 of breaking a katana after its use. (For outdated katana, the CoS increases to 100.)

Performance: Abilities the Songstress learns that can be modified by certain support abilities to speed them up or increase their potency.

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