Gambler Class


"Why not? Nothing to lose but my life… and I got that for free!"

Random numbers: still too random.

+3 ATK +2 VIT +2 SPD +3 MAG 0 SPR +60 HP +40 MP

Gambling with Slots

The Gambler has a few "Slot" abilities, which are very unique. Not only are the effects of the abilities randomized, but they're also customized to an extent and built by the player. Each of the four Slot abilities is set up using a four by four grid, and as the Gambler learns various different "Result" abilities, they are placed into the grid - so that when the slots are rolled and that space is selected, the "Result" filling that space on the grid is the effect used. Many of the spaces additionally have small bonuses or penalties in them, which impact how potent a "Result" placed in that space on the grid will be.

"Results" have a minimum Rank requirement as well - they can be freely places into any row of the proper rank or higher, but a higher rank ability can not be placed into a space that is low ranking. There is no benefit to placing a low rank result into a high ranked space. Each individual "Result" which has been learned can only be placed into a single space on a single Slot set - if "Fire 3" was placed into the Rank 3, Column 3 space for the Flan Slots, it could not be placed anywhere else on the Flan Slots, or even in any space at all on the Moogle Slots! "Results" can be freely reassigned anytime the Gambler is not currently engaged in a fight; so if you don't like how you wound up building a Slot, you can redesign it until you do.

A Slot grid, without any of the normal bonuses or penalties listed:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Rank 1 (1-3)
Rank 2 (4-6)
Rank 3 (7-9)
Rank 4 (10-12)

Use of a Slot ability involved rolling three different dice - a Main Die, a Column Die, and a Special Die. By default, the Main Die is a d8, which the Column and Special dice are both d4s. The Main Die determines which row of the grid is used - each of the rows having three numbers that correspond with it. While Rank 4 cannot be reach by default, the Gambler can elect to pay a small MP cost to increase the size of the main die to either a d10 (30 MP, +10 MP Per tier above 1) or a d12 (45 MP, +15 MP per tier above 1). The Main Die size can be changed by the Gambler any time they are out of battle, but not while engaged in combat, and each Slot ability can use its own die size independent of the others as well. The Column die then determines which of the four Results for that row/Rank will be used for that use of the Slot ability. The Special Die typically has no effect on most Slot ability usage aside from when combined with the Multi Slot ability. Each Slot ability has a "Special" effect, however, and the only way that this can be used is if the Main, Column and Special die all roll the same number - when this happened, rather than using the "Result" that would typically have been rolled, instead use the Special ability listed underneath the Slots grid. After the "Result" for the Slots is determined, the Gambler then selects his target(s) before rolling the CoS. (Obviously, if a result space is blank - that is, it has no result in it - for any reason and the Gambler rolls that space, nothing happens for that use of Slots, but the delay is paid by the Gambler all the same.)

Each Slot ability also has a unique bonus that happens when the gambler rolls low on the CoS of the used "Result". These are listed with the Slot abilities themselves.


Dagger, Crossbow, Gun, Instruments, Whips, Light Armor, Heavy Armor


Strength: Medium, Ranged, Inflicts Magical Damage, M.Evasion 1
Blocking: No
Defenses: Light
Style: Endurance
Bonus: Pick one set

Set 1 SOS-Veil, Auto-Veil when at Max HP.
Set 2 Accuracy 1, Critical 1
Set 3 The first time the Gambler makes a CoS roll during his turn, if the ones digit is a 7, the Gambler regains VITxTier HP and SPRxTier MP.
Set 4 Whenever the Gambler is at Max HP at the start of his turn, gain an Enhancement (2). Roll 1d8 at the start of each turn: 1-2: Brave, 3-4: Faith, 5-6: Haste, 7: Tranq, 8: Resist


Elemental Reels

AP: 130
Type: Action
Technique, Weapon, Elemental: (As Result of Roll)
Target: Single (Group on Critical)
[W]D F[W]

The Gambler shrouds his weapon in a random element and delivers an attack, delivering weapon damage. Roll a d6 when performing Elemental Reels: the result decides the element of the attack. The Gambler chooses a target after the element is determined but before rolling to hit. This ability inherently has Critical 2, delivering a critical hit on rolls from 1-10 barring other boosts. When a critical is rolled, instead of gaining a bonus to damage, Elemental Reels automatically hits the target's group as opposed to the single target. If the Gambler's equipped weapon has the Impact property, apply a x0.75 Power multiplier to the group damage, while if it has the Brutal property, apply a x1.1 Power multiplier
(This is a secondary effect that requires no to-hit roll when triggered.) (If the Gambler benefits from Triple Shot, on a critical hit Elemental Reels the entire enemy group once at normal, followed by the gambler performing a single extra basic attack on the initial target, rather than two extra attacks.)

1 Fire
2 Ice
3 Lightning
4 Water
5 Holy
6 Shadow

CoS: 80

Status Reels

AP: 130
Type: Action
Technique, Status: (As Result of Roll)
Target: Single (Group on 1-10)
40D F15

Roll a d6 when performing Status Reels: the result decides the status inflicted (4). On a roll of 1-10 when checking for the CoS, the status effects the entire group, rather than a single target. (This is a secondary effect that requires no to-hit roll when triggered.)

1 Deprotect
2 Deshell
3 Evasion Down
4 Debrave
5 Defaith
6 Slow

CoS: 70

Attack Reels

AP: 130
Type: Action
Technique, Weapon, Multi-Action
Target: Single
30+[W]D F7+[W]

The Gambler performs a random number of consecutive basic attacks against a single selected target. When Attack Reels is used, roll a d8 to determine the amount of attacks made, then perform that many Basic Attacks against the target.

1-2 1 Attack
3-6 2 Attacks
7-8 3 Attacks

CoS: 80

Phantom Roll

AP: 130
Type: Action
Technique, Enhancement: (As Result of Roll)
Target: Group
45D F20 MP: 90

Phantom Roll bestows a single positive status on each target with a (4) duration. Roll one d8 per target to determine which effect each one is granted.

1 Bubble
2 Blink
3 Veil
4 Vigilance
5 Brave
6 Faith
7 Protect
8 Shell

CoS: 100
Adjustment: +30 MP per tier above 1.

Wild Card

AP: 150
Type: Action
Technique, Recovery
Target: Group
50D F20 MP: 225

When Wild Card is used, roll 2d8 for each party member. One of the d8 determines what percentages of the targets Max HP is restored, while the other d8 determines what percentage of the targets Max MP is restored.
Wild Card is not effected by the Enhance: Recovery property.

1 0%
2-3 10%
4-6 25%
7 50%
8 100%

CoS: 100
Adjustment: +75 MP per tier above 1.

Lady Luck

AP: 130
Type: Action
Technique, Enhancement: Critical Up
Target: Party
45D F20 MP: 69

Lady Luck bestows the effects of Crit Up to all party members. Luck is fickle, however, and the duration on each party member is different; Each target rolls a d8, the result is the duration of their Crit Up.
CoS: 100
Adjustment: +23 MP per tier above 1.

Random Deal

AP: 130
Type: Action
Target: Group
50D F20 MP: 45

Random Deal has a set chance of moving any ally up in the turn order, causing them to act sooner. On a success, lower the allies current delay by 15.
CoS: 70
Adjustment: +15 MP per tier above 1.

Loaded Deck

AP: 130
Type: Action
Target: Single
40D F20

Loaded Deck moves an ally up in the turn order, causing them to act sooner - lower the allies current delay by 20.
CoS: 100

Winning Streak

AP: 130
Type: Action
Target: Single
40D F15 MP: 75

When Winning Streak is used, increase the timers of all status conditions currently affecting the target by (2).
CoS: 75
Adjustment: +25 MP per tier above 1.

Snake Eyes

AP: 150
Type: Action
Target: Single
50D F20 MP: 60

The target enters a stance until the end of their next turn. The first CoS check made as part of the target's ability during their next turn automatically rolls a 2. (As only the first CoS roll benefits from this stance, it would only effect a single target from a Group ability, or a single hit from a Multi-Hit or Multi-Action ability.)
CoS: 100
Adjustment: +20 MP per tier above 1.


AP: 100
Type: Action
Target: Self
50D F30

Removes all negative status conditions from the Gambler.
CoS: 100


AP: 130
Type: Action
Target: Single
40D F15 CT 10

Dice deals (2d6 x 10) piercing physical damage which ignores all situational modifiers. If the two d6 roll the same number, double the amount of damage dealt by the attack - unless the result is two 1s. If the two d6 results in a pair of 1s, the Gambler deals no damage with the attack and instead loses an amount of HP equal to 50% of his Maximum HP. Dice is incapable of benefiting from anything that would normally increase or decrease the number of die rolled with an ability.
CoS: 100
Adjustment: +5 Power per tier above 1.


Chocobo Slots

AP: 25
Type: Action
Magic, (Additional Keywords, as determined by the Slots result)
Target: Varies
40D F15

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Rank 1 (1-3) -10 CoS, x0.8 Pow, -1 Timers +5 CoS -3D
Rank 2 (4-6) -3D +3D -3D
Rank 3 (7-9) -5 CoS -3D +10 CoS +5D -3D
Rank 4 (10-12) -5D +5D +10 CoS -5D

On a roll of 1-20: As long as one CoS check rolled under 20, reduce the Delay and Floor by 5 for Chocobo Slots for that particular usage of it.

Slots Special Ability: Overdrive
Target: Group
Special Effect: Set all Ally delays to 0, and bestows Haste (6) to each ally and the gambler.
Special CoS: 100

Moogle Slots

AP: 25
Type: Action
Magic, (Additional Keywords, as determined by the Slots result)
Target: Varies
40D F15

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Rank 1 (1-3) -10 CoS, x0.8 Pow, -1 Timers +1 Timers x1.2 Pow
Rank 2 (4-6) x1.2 Pow +1 Timers -5 CoS
Rank 3 (7-9) -5 CoS, x1.1 Pow, +1 Timers +5 CoS, x0.9 Pow, -1 Timers -3D
Rank 4 (10-12) -3D -5 CoS +5 CoS, x1.1 Pow, +1 Timers, -3D

On a roll of 1-10: As long as one CoS check rolled under 10, the Result gains the Multi-Action keyword - for the second action change the Target to Single, regardless of what it had been before, and aim it at any combatant the Gambler wishes. Further rolls of 1-10 after the first have no bonus effect.

Slots Special Ability: Mog Dance
Target: Group
Special Effect: Revives any KOd party members and removes the Stone status. Restores HP & MP of party to max.
Special CoS: 100

Flan Slots

AP: 25
Type: Action
Magic, (Additional Keywords, as determined by the Slots result)
Target: Varies
40D F15

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Rank 1 (1-3) -10 CoS, x0.8 Pow, -1 Timers x1.2 Pow +5 CoS
Rank 2 (4-6) x1.1 Pow x1.2 Pow x0.8 Pow
Rank 3 (7-9) -5 CoS, x1.1 Pow x1.1 Pow +10 CoS, x0.8 Pow
Rank 4 (10-12) x1.3 Pow x0.8 Pow +10 CoS, x1.2 Pow

On a roll of 1-20: Deal an additional +1 die per tier damage, then apply a +25% situational modifier.

Slots Special Ability: BAR
Target: Group
Special Effect: All positive Enhancements are dispelled. BAR then Deals (14 x MAG + 1d12) piercing magical damage to HP, and (14 x MAG + 1d12) piercing magical damage to MP.
Special CoS: 255
Adjustment: +7 Power to HP damage per tier above 1, +7 Power to MP damage.

Morbol Slots

AP: 25
Type: Action
Magic, (Additional Keywords, as determined by the Slots result)
Target: Varies
40D F15

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Rank 1 (1-3) -10 CoS, x0.8 Pow, -1 Timers +5 CoS +1 Timers
Rank 2 (4-6) +1 Timers +10 CoS -5 CoS
Rank 3 (7-9) +5 CoS, -1 Timers -5 CoS, +1 Timers +5 CoS
Rank 4 (10-12) +5 CoS, +1 Timers -2 Timers +10 CoS, +2 Timers

On a roll of 1-20: Increase the Timers of status effects by (1). (If the Result is a Delay effect, increase the amount delayed by 3 instead).

Slots Special Ability: Extremely Bad Breath
Target: Group
Special Effect: Inflicts Death and Stone (U). Roll for each status effect separately. Extremely Bad Breath ignores Status Resistances and Immunities.
Special CoS: 30.

Double Up

AP: 125
Type: Action
Target: Single
[M]D F[M] CT 7

Select a set of Slots (Chocobo, Moogle, Flan or Morbol) to use with Double Up before starting the CT. When Double Up is used, roll the main die (the first die in the check) twice, and use the larger number for the result of the Slots. The [M] Value uses the relevant number for the Slot set used with Double Up.

Big Slots

AP: 150
Type: Action
Target: Single
[M]D F[M] CT 14

Select a set of Slots (Chocobo, Moogle, Flan or Morbol) to use with Big Slots before starting the CT. After determining the Result, increase the area of effect of the ability. If it was Single target, it now targets a single row. If the result was already a row effect, it now targets an entire group. If the effect had already been a group move, its effectiveness is increased; by either a +25% situational modifier or +(1) to its timer, whichever is more relevant to the rolled Result. The [M] Value uses the relevant number for the Slot set used with Big Slots.

Multi Slots

AP: 150
Type: Action
Magic, Multi-Action
Target: Varies
[M]D F[M] CT 21

Select a set of Slots (Chocobo, Moogle, Flan or Morbol) to use with Multi Slots before starting the CT. When Multi Slots is used, the Result rolls to hit the target(s) a number of times equal to the value of the special die (the second d4 rolled in the check). If the Result is a Status and you hit a target with the status more than once, rather than having a wasted effect, add the status timers that hit together before applying it. The [M] Value uses the relevant number for the Slot set used with Multi Slots. (If the inflicted status is Condemn, the timers are not cumulative and receive no special bonus)


Triple Shot

AP: 100
Type: Support

Equipment: On a critical hit with a Gun or Crossbow, perform two additional Basic Attack - with 255 CoS rather than 100 CoS - instead of the effects normally granted by a critical hit. These additional basic attacks cannot score further critical hits.
Bare: While the Gambler's Strength is Ranged, if the Gambler scores a critical hit, perform two additional Basic Attack - with 255 CoS rather than 100 CoS - instead of the effects normally granted by a critical hit. These additional basic attacks cannot score further critical hits.
Remodeling: When equipped with a Heavy weapon with the Ranged property, if the Gambler scores a critical hit, perform two additional Basic Attack - with 255 CoS rather than 100 CoS - instead of the effects normally granted by a critical hit. These additional basic attacks cannot score further critical hits. Additionally if the Gambler's weapon has the Impact property, each additional hit has a x0.5 Power multiplier applied to it to compensate for the decreased critical power but increased critical rate.

Velocity Shot

AP: 150
Type: Support

Equipment: When wielding a Crossbow, Instrument or Gun, the weapon gains a x1.5 Power multiplier.
Bare: When your Strength deals Ranged damage, apply a x1.5 Power multiplier to any damage dealt.
Remodeling: Apply a x1.5 Power modifier to your weapon, but only if it has the Ranged property.


AP: 150
Type: Support
Equipment: When Equipped with a Dagger or Whip, the Gambler receives 2 ranks of Evasion.
Bare: Change the Gambler's Strength from Medium to Light; remove all properties from the Gambler's Strength and gain Evasion 4 instead, remove Inflicts Magical Damage.
Remodeling: When Equipped with a Weapon without the Ranged property, the Gambler receives 2 ranks of Evasion.
Adjustment: +1 rank of Evasion at tiers 3, 5, 7 and 9.

Lucky 1-2

AP: 70
Type: Support

Each rank of Lucky grants the Gambler one rank of Critical.


Lucky Sevens

AP: 100
Type: Reaction

Target: The triggering enemy
Trigger: Being hit by an action that reduces the ones digit in the gamblers Current HP score to a 7.

The Gambler responds by striking the enemy for 77 physical piercing damage which ignores all situational modifiers.
CoS: 100
Adjustment: +77 damage per tier above 1.

Slots Results

Slot Results are priced by their minimum rank. Rank 1 costs 10 AP per, Rank 2 costs 15 AP per, Rank 3 costs 20 AP per and Rank 4 costs 25 AP per. Slot Results have been divided into categories, each having their own grid:

Damage Results

Status Results

Help Results

Ability Grid

Due to the sheer number of abilities (mainly from the various Slot "Results") available to the Gambler, its abilities have been placed into four separate grids. The starting point for each grid works the same as if the Gambler had only had one grid - and thus has four starting points.

Ability Grid Seed_Gambler_Ability_Class_Grid.pngDamage Results Grid Seed_Gambler_Damage_Class_Grid.pngStatus Results Grid Seed_Gambler_Status_Class_Grid.pngHelp Results Grid Seed_Gambler_Help_Class_Grid.png
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